Saturday, October 11, 2008


Originally uploaded by Snappy Shop
This is my new puppy, Sugar! Isn't she the cutest little thing. I love watching her and my dog Jack play together, it's completely hilarious. He hated her at first and was very sad, but now they play and snuggle up together a lot.
Jack looks like he is crying in the background of this photo, he was actually doing a lazy bark. Somebody was in front of the house and he was doing his Perry Como lounge bark.
I'm glad Jack finally decided to love Sugar, she is very sweet!


kiddlebug said...

What a cutie! Congrats on your new addition.

SillyLittleLady said...

What a freaking cutie!!! Now I only need to convince my honey to let me get another one...

Kristen said...

Oh my goodness...she is TOO cute! Makes me want a puppy :(

Kim Caro said...

lol. aw-- why is he howling in the back? they will be best of friends for sure.

SnappyShop.etsy said...

Kim, it only looks like he is howling. He heard somebody in the driveway and is doing a lazy, lay-down bark. I love my fluffy watchdog!